Are Cramping Normal In Early Pregnancy

Are Cramping Normal In Early Pregnancy

Are cramping normal in early pregnancy when you are pregnant is normal for almost every woman who has been pregnant. There is a reason that you may have mild cramping in the beginning stages of pregnancy your embryo is assuming its position in the lining of your uterus which will make you feel uncomfortable with cramps like you usually get when you are having a heavy period. You do not have to worry as these cramps are normal and may last a day or two but they will dissipate and you and your baby will be no worse for the wear. The following symptoms may be a sign of a real problem.

Are Cramping Normal In Early Pregnancy

If you have consistent lower back pain this may be a sign of a problem such as a kidney or bladder infection. Constant lower back pain can be a sign of a more serious problem. For more informative blogs visit go publishing

If you have significant vaginal bleeding this may be a sign of a miscarriage. If you are able to catch a serious problem before it is too late your doctor may be able to stop a miscarriage from happening.
Are cramping normal in early pregnancy pain can be a sign of a cyst or a growth. You should have regular checkups as cancer is a real problem that women face in this day and age.


Swelling can be a sign of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PHI). PHI is high blood pressure that can lead to preeclampsia which can cause liver failure and long-term heart problems. Are cramping normal in early pregnancy can cause low birth weight in your baby as well as other health issues.

Blurry vision

Blurry vision and bad headaches may be a sign of Ecclampsia. Eclampsia is the worst form of preeclampsia and can cause the mother to be to have seizures.

If you have a fever as well as chills, you feel dizzy, you are spotting or you have severe cramping in early pregnancy you may be having the symptoms of Ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is what is referred to as a tubal pregnancy which means that your egg has attached itself to your fallopian tube. If an Ectopic pregnancy is left untreated the fallopian tube may burst and you could die. If you think you may be having symptoms of Ectopic pregnancy you should go to the emergency room immediately.

It is not uncommon to be scared when you start to cramp during your pregnancy but there is no real reason to be afraid unless you have. You will need are cramping normal in early pregnancy listen to your body if you feel that something is not right then it is time to call 911 or have someone take you immediately to the hospital. You should make sure that a family member has the number of your OGBYN physician so that they can be notified upon your arrival at the hospital.

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