Breast Tenderness During Pregnancy

Breast Tenderness During Pregnancy

Breast tenderness during pregnancy of the very first clue a woman is pregnant is breast tenderness. Hormones of pregnancy cause a ‘heavy sensation’ in the breasts that often becomes outright breast tenderness or soreness,” says Dr. Fink. “I believe breast changes are one of the earlier signs because the breasts are so very sensitive to the effects of hormones.

Breast Tenderness During Pregnancy

Dr. Fink says only the lining of the uterus is more sensitive – but the uterine lining is not something most women can feel or otherwise sense. The ductal and support systems of the breast start to make changes from very early in pregnancy in preparation for the milk-making job to come. For more informative blogs visit go publishing

Because the glandular portion of the breast becomes enlarged and the surrounding fatty tissue retains fluid, breast enlargement is also a feature of early pregnancy.

“Depending on how you feel about your breasts, this part of pregnancy can either be cause for celebration or a real bummer,” says Dr. Fink. “Your bra size may go up a couple of sizes very quickly. breast tenderness during pregnancy and sensitivity can sometimes be very uncomfortable but passes in most women by about 14 weeks gestation. Wearing a sports bra is the best treatment measure.”

According to Dr. Fink, pregnancy hormones also cause changes in the nipples. They usually become darker, usually larger, and the areola becomes wider. Dark blue veins that might not have been visible before can suddenly be seen through the skin.

Though breast tenderness during pregnancy is common, not every woman experiences it. Dr. Fink cautions that every woman and pregnancy is different and the early signs of pregnancy vary from woman to woman and from pregnancy to pregnancy.

Fatigue is also extremely normal and may be one of the first signs. Feeling “tired” is a common complaint. Naps suddenly become attractive, even to those who rarely take them. Some women also will experience an increase or a change in vaginal discharge that occurs because of the hormonal effect on the cervix.

Dr. Lauri Grossman, a chiropractor, and homeopathic physician in private practice in New York, says breast tenderness during pregnancy isn’t the only early sign of pregnancy.

“Digestive changes can occur as well,” says Dr. Grossman. “Sometimes, they are mil; other times they are dramatic ranging from mild bloating, belching, constipation, the passing of gas, increased appetite and changes in desire for certain foods to debilitating nausea and food and smell intolerances.”

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